Tuesday, January 11, 2011


My son had a great question for me. Since I don't subscribe to any one published ideology, in particular a church or other community group, what then is my ideology?

An ideology is a set of ideas that constitutes one's goals, expectations, and actions.

I believe that God is alive and active in our daily lives. His purpose for us is to learn and choose, which is why God doesn't tell us what to do. Free will demands that we learn and choose. Christ had 2 important rules for us to follow, but otherwise it is up to us to learn who we are, choose to involve ourselves in the communities we want, and otherwise learn to trust.

When we take ownership, we give life and liveliness to others in our community and the ones we love, and fear is reduced.

Life is full of pain. The goal is not to try to avoid all pain (if we try, that will last only as long as it takes to get hungry), instead we need to be aware of the pain you *should* be owning (and which ones to leave to others). With insight into who we are and want to be, we must choose which pain we will own, then fight, tear and bleed until those pains are resolved. From the resolution of the effort spent comes peace and space, where you feel fulfilled and at rest. Joy can flourish for a job well done and you can truly enjoy life. You are blessed by the God of creation because He knows you *can* choose. Do you?

We avoid choosing to own pains due to fear. Fear is tricky. Fear seems insurmountable. For the most part fear is related to the things that we cannot control. Yet, if we realize there are things that we shouldn't control, and choose to own the things we should, there will be less to fear.

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