Sunday, June 15, 2008

China vs the Dalai Lama: a battle of integrity?

I found this quote here:

The Dalai Lama is quoted as saying:

"Actually as far as social economy goes, I'm a Marxist. I am more red than the Chinese leaders, who seem to be only concerned with money. In Marxist theory there is a concern with the equal distribution of wealth. So this has a moral principle which capitalist theory doesn't," he said.

"I don't agree with the authoritarian side. Authoritarianism has ruined Marxism," The Australian quoted him, as saying.

I'm not a big fan of the Dalai Lama by any means, but you have to take a moment and be honest here. He has a good point. Is the Chinese government/communist party officials faithful at re-distributing wealth? Are all animals equal? Or are some a little more equal than others? (Thanks Mr. Orwell)

I really wish I knew someone that supported the way the Chinese political system worked, and could ask them about this. Anyone know someone that lives in N. America and supports how things run in China? How can anyone support a government with a stated goal of equality, that isn't equal themselves, personally, first?

I can certainly understand why the leadership may be embarrassed by someone asking questions like that. And what entitles them to be angry and entitled?

1 comment:

Steve said...

North Americans support the Chinese system with our flow of dollars across the Pacific. The Chinese government's actions are less important than the cheap material things we can get. Even at church we act all indignant and appalled when we hear a story about Christian persecution by the Chinese, yet we race out of the church parking to get to the nearest WalMart to buy cheap stuff and pat ourselves on the back for saving money.